(click on bold titles to download the document)


Competencies in Group Dynamics. 2019 Global Mentoring Initiative
'The Question Never Failed Us! The art of asking catalytic questions. 2015 Interpeace
Appreciative Inquiry. 2015 Interpeace
Thinking and Working Politically. 2015 Interpeace
Understanding and Working with Power. 2015,  Interpeace
Public Participation and Citizen Engagement. 2015, Interpeace
Doing Development Differently. 2015, Interpeace
Expert Advisers. Other competencies needed to strengthen institutional performance 2016, GMI
Jill’ and ‘Jack’ of All Trades, Master of Some. Competency requirements for effective advising in international cooperation contexts. 2014 Interpeace
Operational Security Management in Violent Environments. A field manual for aid agencies. 2000 ODI (disponible aussi en français) (updated edition in 2010)


Evaluating Peace Mediation and Peacebuilding in Ongoing Conflict. What have we learned about good practices in peace mediation and peacebuilding? 2023 GMI
Evaluating Peace Mediation and Peacebuilding in Ongoing Conflict. Correct use of the OECD evaluation criteria and implications for evaluations and evaluators. 2023 GMI
Local Capacities for Peace. What questions to ask. 2018 GMI
Inclusive Peace Processes - General and in Yemen. Selected English language references. 2019, for CARE Netherlands
Evaluation of Polisario Engagement Programme. 2019, Geneva Call (unpublished) Evaluation of Karen National Union/Army Engagement Programme. 2018, Geneva Call (with K. Kramer, unpublished)
Evaluation and Strategic Review of the Lebanon Programme. 2016 Geneva Call (commissioned report, unpublished)
Peace and Development Analysis. Bougainville – Papua New Guinea. Findings and emerging priorities.  2015 UN CT, Government of PNG, AGB, UN PBSO
Practical Guidance for a Participatory Peace and Development Analysis. 2014  Interpeace
Conflict Sensitivity. Refining the analytical framework. 2013 Interpeace
Peacebuilding How? Good Practices in Conflict Analysis. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding How? Systems Analysis of Conflict Dynamics. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding How? Criteria to assess and evaluate peacebuilding. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding How? Critiques of contemporary peacebuilding. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding How? ‘Insiders’ – ‘outsiders’ and peacebuilding partnerships. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding How?  Assessing the Design of Peacebuilding Interventions. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding How? The ethics of peace practice and the peacebuilding industry. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding What? Significantly Different Perspectives on Peacebuilding. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding What? Do no Harm, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding What? Statebuilding and Peacebuilding. 2010 Interpeace
Peacebuilding What? The Concept of ‘Social Capital’. 2010 Interpeace
National Capacities & National Ownership in Peacebuilding. Training module with facilitator guidance, 2009, European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (commissioned, unpublished)
Strategic Evaluation (2003-8) and Prospective Analysis (2009-13) of the Guatemala Forum of Social Organisations specialised in the field of security. 2009 Interpeace office for Latin America and Caribbean (with Jorge Alvaro Pisani)
Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. Interpeace’s experiences. 2008 Interpeace
Human (In)Security and Cities. Summary of a rapid research project and policy attention points. 2006 Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (commissioned report, unpublished)
Interpeace & Partners. What types of impacts do our programmes produce? A preliminary document review. 2006 Interpeace
Strengthening Parliaments in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations. Drawing on experiences from Africa. 2005, UNDP Democratic Governance Group/ Inter-Parliamentary Union (commissioned report, unpublished)
Practical Tools for Project Planning, Review and Evaluation.  Input into "Democratic Dialogue. A Handbook for Practitioners". 2005 UNDP, International Idea, OAS, CIDA (unpublished)
Dutch Policies and Activities directed at Peacebuilding. Contribution to the Joint Utstein Study of Peacebuilding.  2003 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with G. Frerks & M. Scholten)
Commitment, Capacity and Competence. CARE’s work on conflict and peace.   2003 CARE US, UK, Netherlands (commissioned, unpublished)
Model Security Council Resolution on Travel Bans, with Commentary.  2001, pp. 47-67 in Brzoska, M. (ed.): Design and Implementation of Arms Embargoes and Travel and Aviation Related Sanctions. Bonn International Center for Conversion
Travel and Aviation Bans. 2000, Report of the Expert Working Group on UN Sanctions. Bonn International Center for Conversion & German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Can Sanctions be Smarter? The current debate. Report of a conference held in London in 1998. 1999 ODI, for DFID
Sanctions. The current debate. A summary of selected readings. 1999 ODI, for DFID
The Limits and Scope for the Use of Development Co-Operation Incentives and Disincentives for Influencing Conflict Situations. Case study Afghanistan. 1999, OECD DAC (with T. Killick)


Operational Experience of Business Environment Reform Programming in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States. 2017 Graduate Institute, CCDP (case study researcher)
Value-for-Money? The overall record of technical assistance for institutional and governance reform. 2014 Interpeace
Lead author of two CSO Input papers to the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (External assistance to capacity development; Political dialogue) & seven consecutive ‘Briefing Papers’ on various aspects of the IDPS process & the Busan Declaration, 2011


Project Success but Strategic Failure? International aid agencies and national ownership and leadership by government institutions 2023 Global Mentoring Initiative
Evaluation of the Start Network ‘Localisation Pilot’ 2022 Start Network (executive summary here)
From Risk Transfer to Risk Sharing: new perspectives - new practices? 2022 Global Mentoring Initiative
Responsible Donorship and the Burn Rate for Ukraine 2022 Global Mentoring Initiative
Localisation in Myanmar Today and Tomorrow 2022 Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Facility
Localisation in Practice. Three examples from the Dutch Relief Alliance 2021 Dutch Relief Alliance
Localisation: Holistic perspectives urgently needed. 2020 Global Mentoring Initiative
Localisation in Practice.  Emerging indicators and practical recommendations. 2018 Start Network (with Smruti Patel)
Localisation. A bibliography of English-language resources. 2020 Global Mentoring Initiative
How are Grand Bargain Commitments Shaping the Response to the Rohingya Influx in Bangladesh? 2018 GMI (with Smruti Patel) Understanding the Localisation Debate. 2017 Global Mentoring Initiative (with Smruti Patel)
Start Fund, Start Network and Localisation. Current situation and future directions. 2017 Global Mentoring Initiative (with Smruti Patel)
Incident Statistics in Aid Worker Safety and Security Management. Using and producing them. 2012 European Interagency Security Forum
Managing Aid Agency Security in an Evolving World. The larger challenge. 2010 European Interagency Security Forum
Benchmarks and Yardsticks for Humanitarian Action. Broadening the picture, 2003 Forced Migration Review
Accountability: A question of rights and duties. 2002, pp. 149-169 in World Disasters Report, IFRC (with Agnes Callamard)
Accountable Humanitarian Action. An overview of recent trends. 2002 ICRC Forum series, issue on ‘War and Accountability’
A Rights-Based Approach to Emergencies. ActionAid’s distinctiveness and opportunities for scaling up. 2002 ActionAid (commissioned, unpublished)
Evaluation of ACT India Members Response to the Gujarat Earthquake. 2002 ACT Alliance (commissioned, unpublished)
Promoting Transparency and Accountability. The Humanitarian Accountability Project fieldwork in Sierra Leone, Humanitarian Accountability Project, 2002 HAP (unpublished)
Humanitarian Action and Private Security Companies. 2002 ODI, HPN 20:24-26 (disponible aussi en français)
The Right to Information. Exploring the challenges of transparency, responsiveness and accountability in post-earthquake Gujarat, India. 2001 HAP (unpublished)
Understanding, Promoting and Evaluating Coordination. An outline framework. 2001, pp.41-  162 in D. Gordon & F. Toase: Aspects of Peacekeeping.  Frank Cass
Small Arms and the Safety and Security of Humanitarian and Development Personnel. 2001 Small Arms Survey (commissioned, unpublished)
Armed Protection for Humanitarian Action: What are the questions? 2001, pp 163-178 in D. Gordon & F. Toase: Aspects of Peacekeeping. Frank Cass
Regaining Perspective: The debate over quality assurance and accountability. 2000, pp  22-25 in Humanitarian Exchange no. 17(publié aussi en français)
Etats des Lieux des Codes de Conduite et Bonnes Pratiques dans l’Action Humanitaire. 2000, pp. 23-33 in Les Codes de Conduite. Référence éthique et gage d’efficacité pour les actions humanitaires internationales du IIIe millénaire ? Lyon, Bioforce (published also in English)
Swiss Federal Humanitarian Aid: Principles, policies, programmes and management practices through the lens of the Balkans. A policy evaluation. 2000 Swiss Development Cooperation (commissioned report, unpublished)
Conflict, Relief and Humanitarian Issues, in ‘Implementing DFID’s Institutional Strategy Paper on Europe. A research agenda.’ 1999 ODI, for DFID
Opening the Black Box. An outline of a framework to understand, promote and evaluate humanitarian coordination. 1999, Disaster Studies Programme, Centre for Rural Development Sociology, University of Wageningen
Security Training: Where are we now? 1999 ODI, Humanitarian Exchange (slightly different versions also published in Forced Migration Review in Oxford, and The Health Exchange in London).


Catalysing Change. Some practical tips. 2017 Editions Universitaires Européennes
Decision-Making. 2019 Global Mentoring Initiative
The Five Capabilities Framework. 2015 Interpeace
We Didn’t Hire Your CV, We Hired You!” Approaches to organisational assessment and development. 2016 GMI Effective and Accountable Boards of Trustees. Some pointers 2018, GMI Civil Society Governance. Do you set standards? 2016, GMI
Organisational Development: Matching understandings and expectations. 2018, GMI
Choosing a Facilitator? Tips what to look for. 2020, GMI
apacity Development in International Cooperation. Time to get serious. 2017, GMI
Most Training Does Not Develop Organisational Capacity. What do we need to do differently? 2016 GMI
Rules and Values. Develop both or limp along 2019 GMI
Mid-Term Review or Evaluation: Tips for Terms of Reference 2019 GMI
Evaluative Thinking: Beyond monitoring and evaluation. 2016, GMI
Beyond Knowledge Management. Key enablers for the learning organisation. 2016 GMI
Strategic Planning Framework. 2014 Interpeace
Determining Priorities. 2014 Interpeace
Good leadership and good followership. 2016 GMI
An Introduction to ‘Leadership’ and ‘Followership’. 2012 Interpeace
Leadership in Multilateral Organisations. 2012 Interpeace
Mainstreaming Safety and Security Management in Aid Agencies. Briefing paper 2001, ODI
Mainstreaming the Organisational Management of Safety and Security. A review of   aid agency practices and a guide for management. 2001ODI
Organisational and Institutional Learning in the Humanitarian Sector. chapter in ‘The Charitable Impulse’ edited by O. Barrow and M. Jennings. 2001 James Curry /  Kumarian Press
Organisational and Institutional Learning in the Humanitarian Sector. Opening the dialogue. 1998, ODI, for ALNAP (commissioned report)
Cool Ground for Aid Providers. Towards better security management in aid agencies. 1998 Disasters 22(2): 109-125


Partnership Chronicles 2016 GMI
Prepared-for-Partnership? Trust and distrust in international cooperation 2019 GMI
Challenges in Partnership Governance. Some attention points and tips 2019 GMI
Partnerships: Pre-conditions, principles and practices 2019 GMI
Relationship Management Skills in Organisational Partnerships 2020 GMI
No Shared Risk No Partnership? 2020 GMI
Grant Agreements and Partnership Agreements. Towards a new level of maturity and competency 2020 GMI


The Right to Information. Exploring the challenges of transparency, responsiveness and accountability in post-earthquake Gujarat, India. 2001, HAP
The Limits and Scope for the Use of Development Co-Operation Incentives and Disincentives for Influencing Conflict Situations. Case study Afghanistan. 1999, OECD DAC (with T. Killick)
Security and Protection in Peace-keeping. A critical reading of the Belgian inquiry into the 1994 events in Rwanda, 1991, Journal of International Peacekeeping 6(1): 143-153
Civil Society and Substantive Democracy. Governance and the state of law in Belgium. 1998 Development in Practice 4:407-418 (reprinted in ‘Development and Social Action’, Oxford, Oxfam publications)
Sri Lanka pp. 148-153 in J. Hampton (ed.) Internally Displaced People. A global Survey. 1998 Earthscan
Coordination in Conflict. A case study from Sri Lanka. 1997, ODI HPN Network Paper 23 (publié aussi en français)
NGO-Government Relations in Sri Lanka. pp 161-172 in J. Bennett (ed.): NGOs and Governments. A review of current practice for Southern and Eastern NGOs. 1997 INTRAC
Banned, Restricted or Sensitive. Working with the military in Sri Lanka. 1996 ODI, HPN Newsletter 5:4-6 (also in French)
NGO Legislation. The Sri Lanka case. 1995 Refugee Participation Network no. 19:12-15
Bad Borders make Bad Neighbours. The political economy of relief and rehabilitation in the Somali Region 5, eastern Ethiopia. 1994, ODI, HPN, Network Paper 4 (publié aussi en français) 
Childhood Immunisation in Rural Afghanistan. The EPI programme 1987-1991. 1992 Disasters 16(4): 339-346